RE: [PATCH] gcov: support GCC 12.1 and newer compilers
From: David Laight
Date: Mon Oct 17 2022 - 07:38:33 EST
From: Andrew Morton
> Sent: 17 October 2022 01:41
> The changelog doesn't tell us what the user-visible effects of this are
> (please, it should do so), but it sounds to me like those effects are
> "gcov is utterly busted".
> So I'll add a cc:stable to this, so that people can use new gcc
> versions to build older kernels.
I can't help wondering what happens if you link a binary
compiled with an old gcc with one build with a new gcc?
This could easily happen with out of tree loadable modules.
Or just linking an old .a file into a userspace binary.
Now maybe the gcov data isn't used (I've not looked up what
it is for) but is sounds like something whose format should
be set in stone?
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