Re: Request for assistance

From: Greg KH
Date: Thu Oct 20 2022 - 07:10:22 EST

On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 11:00:59AM +0000, Ubuntu wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a diffictly deciding where exactly to split a long line of code. for example, this line of code is too long
> uCTSTime = bb_get_frame_time(pDevice->preamble_type, byPktType, 14, pDevice->byTopCCKBasicRate);
> if i spit it this way:
> uCTSTime =
> bb_get_frame_time(pDevice->preamble_type, byPktType, 14, pDevice->byTopCCKBasicRate);
> It does not help as the second line is still too long. I considered doing it this way instead:
> uCTSTime = bb_get_frame_time(pDevice->preamble_type, byPktType, 14,
> pDevice->byTopCCKBasicRate);
> But i did this on one of my patches and i was told it is not advisable to split a line between
> parenthesis '(' and ')'

Who told you that?

You are close, the code should look like:
uCTSTime = bb_get_frame_time(pDevice->preamble_type, byPktType, 14,

Like millions of other lines in the kernel source tree. When in doubt,
look at existing implementations.

hope this helps,

greg k-h