Re: [PATCH] CHROMIUM: ASoC: amd: acp: Add tdm support for codecs in machine driver

From: Mark Brown
Date: Fri Oct 28 2022 - 06:58:29 EST

On Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 04:04:41PM +0530, Venkata Prasad Potturu wrote:

> +static int tdm_mode = 0;
> +module_param_named(tdm_mode, tdm_mode, int, 0444);
> +MODULE_PARM_DESC(tdm_mode, "Set 1 for tdm mode, set 0 for i2s mode");

Why is this a module parameter - how would a user decide to set this?
Is it something that someone might want to change at runtime?

Please submit patches using subject lines reflecting the style for the
subsystem, this makes it easier for people to identify relevant patches.
Look at what existing commits in the area you're changing are doing and
make sure your subject lines visually resemble what they're doing.
There's no need to resubmit to fix this alone.

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