On Wed, Nov 02, 2022 at 06:53:49PM +0800, Aiqun(Maria) Yu wrote:
Let me think about this carefully.
When in RPROC_RECOVERY_FAIL case we want to re-do the recovery process again
or just leave the pm_relax?
When a recovery fail we don't want to call pm_relax(). The code in
rproc_crash_handler_work() becomes:
if (rproc->state == RPROC_OFFLINE) {
/* We have raced with rproc_shutdown() */
if (rproc->state == RPROC_CRASHED ||
rproc->state == RPROC_RECOVERY_FAILED) {
/* handle only the first crash detected */
RPROC_RECOVERY_FAILED gets set in rproc_boot_recovery() if request_firmware() or
rproc_start() fail. Function rproc_trigger_recovery() needs to allow for the
recovery the the remote processor is in RPROC_RECOVERY_FAILED state. As such
the condition becomes:
/* State could have changed before we got the mutex */
if (rproc->state != RPROC_CRASHED &&
rproc->state != RPROC_RECOVERY_FAILED)
goto unlock_mutex;
Start with that and we can look at corner cases (if some exists) with a fresh
patchset. Note that I have not addressed the attach/detach() scenario in the
recovery fail case 1:
| |firstcrash interrupt issued
| second crashed interrupt issued | rproc_report_crash()
| rproc_report_crash() | pm_stay_awake()
| pm_stay_awake() | queue_work()
| queue_work() |rproc_crash_handler_work()
| |mutex_lock(&rproc->lock);
| |rproc_stop()
|rproc_crash_handler_work() |rproc->state = RPROC_OFFLINE;
| |mutex_unlock(&rproc->lock);
|mutex_lock(&rproc->lock); |pm_relax()
|if (rproc->state == RPROC_OFFLINE) |
|return // shouldn't do pm_relax if RPROC_RECOVERY_FAIL? |
|mutex_unlock(&rproc->lock); |
| |
| |
| |
recovery fail case 2:
| |firstcrash interrupt issued
| | rproc_report_crash()
| | pm_stay_awake()
| | queue_work()
| |rproc_crash_handler_work()
| |mutex_lock(&rproc->lock);
| |rproc_stop()
| |rproc->state = RPROC_OFFLINE;
| |mutex_unlock(&rproc->lock);
| |pm_relax()
| second crashed interrupt issued |
| rproc_report_crash() |
| pm_stay_awake() |
| queue_work() |
|if (rproc->state == RPROC_OFFLINE) |
|return // still need do pm_relax if RPROC_RECOVERY_FAIL? |
|mutex_unlock(&rproc->lock); |
| |
| |
| |
Maybe I can have:
1. the pm_stay_awake and pm_relax with count based and call with paired for
fix current concurency issue.
2. RPROC_RECOVERY_FAIL can be another patch for continue try to do recovery
3. handle RPROC_DETACHED case.
On 11/2/2022 4:11 AM, Mathieu Poirier wrote:
On Fri, 28 Oct 2022 at 09:31, Arnaud POULIQUEN
<arnaud.pouliquen@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 10/24/22 05:17, Aiqun(Maria) Yu wrote:
On 10/22/2022 3:34 AM, Mathieu Poirier wrote:
On Wed, 19 Oct 2022 at 23:52, Aiqun(Maria) Yu <quic_aiquny@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 10/14/2022 2:03 AM, Mathieu Poirier wrote:
On Thu, Oct 13, 2022 at 11:34:42AM -0600, Mathieu Poirier wrote:Not sure if the situation is clear or not. So resend the email again.
On Thu, Oct 13, 2022 at 09:40:09AM +0800, Aiqun(Maria) Yu wrote:
Hi Mathieu,
On 10/13/2022 4:43 AM, Mathieu Poirier wrote:
Please add what has changed from one version to another, either in a coverThx for the information, will take a note and benefit for next time.
letter or after the "Signed-off-by". There are many examples on how to
do that
on the mailing list.
On Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 03:12:31PM +0800, Maria Yu wrote:PROC_OFFLINE is possible that rproc_shutdown is triggered and successfully
RPROC_OFFLINE state indicate there is no recovery process
is in progress and no chance to do the pm_relax.
Because when recovering from crash, rproc->lock is held and
and then unlock rproc->lock.
You are correct - because the lock is held rproc->state should be set to
when rproc_trigger_recovery() returns. If that is not the case then
went wrong.
Function rproc_stop() sets rproc->state to RPROC_OFFLINE just before
so we know the remote processor was stopped. Therefore if rproc->state
is set
to RPROC_OFFLINE something went wrong in either request_firmware() or
rproc_start(). Either way the remote processor is offline and the system
in an unknown/unstable. As such I don't see how calling pm_relax() can help
things along.
Even if it is multi crash rproc_crash_handler_work contention issue, and
last rproc_trigger_recovery bailed out with only
rproc->state==RPROC_OFFLINE, it is still worth to do pm_relax in pair.
Since the subsystem may still can be recovered with customer's next trigger
of rproc_start, and we can make each error out path clean with pm resources.
I suggest spending time understanding what leads to the failure whenIn current case, the customer's information is that the issue happened when
from a crash and address that problem(s).
rproc_shutdown is triggered at similar time. So not an issue from error out
of rproc_trigger_recovery.
That is a very important element to consider and should have been mentioned
the beginning. What I see happening is the following:
queue_work() // current thread is suspended
rproc->state = RPROC_OFFLINE;
if (rproc->state == RPROC_OFFLINE)
return // pm_relax() is not called
The right way to fix this is to add a pm_relax() in rproc_shutdown() and
rproc_detach(), along with a very descriptive comment as to why it is needed.
Thinking about this further there are more ramifications to consider. Please
confirm the above scenario is what you are facing. I will advise on how to
forward if that is the case.
The above senario is what customer is facing. crash hanppened while at
the same time shutdown is triggered.
Unfortunately this is not enough details to address a problem as
complex as this one.
And the device cannto goes to suspend state after that.
the subsystem can still be start normally after this.
If the code flow I pasted above reflects the problem at hand, the
current patch will not be sufficient to address the issue. If Arnaud
confirms my suspicions we will have to think about a better solution.
Hi Mathiew,
Could you pls have more details of any side effects other then power issue of
the current senario?
Why the current patch is not sufficient pls?
Have the current senario in details with rproc->lock information in details:
| subsystem crashed interrupt issued | user trigger shutdown
| rproc_report_crash() |
| pm_stay_awake() |
| queue_work() |
| |rproc_shutdown
| |mutex_lock(&rproc->lock);
| |rproc_stop()
|rproc_crash_handler_work() |rproc->state = RPROC_OFFLINE;
| |mutex_unlock(&rproc->lock);
|mutex_lock(&rproc->lock); |
|if (rproc->state == RPROC_OFFLINE) |
|return // pm_relax() is not called |rproc_boot
|mutex_unlock(&rproc->lock); |
| |mutex_lock(&rproc->lock);
| |rproc_start()
| |mutex_unlock(&rproc->lock);
Agree with Mathieu, this is not so simple.
Thanks for looking into this.
Here is my view hoping I haven't missed a point in your discussion or
an other corner cases.
I tried to analyze the issues (in what follows, the term "condition" means
the "if" condition in which Aiqun proposes to add the fix) :
I can see 4 use cases with race condition
1) crash report while already one is treated (rproc_boot_recovery called)
=> not a real use case as if the remote processor is crashed we
should not have a second crash report
That part is of great concern to me. *Theoretically* we should not
get a new crash report while one has already been dispatched but the
current code accounts for this scenario and as such the possibility
can't be dismissed. Therefore we need to expect rproc_report_crash()
to be called multiple times before a single instance of
rproc_boot_recovery() is scheduled.
I will try.
2) rproc_stop executed between the queuing of the crash work and the call of
=> rproc->state = RPROC_OFFLINE
=> we enter in the "condition" and the pm_relax has to be called
=> This commit fix should solve this use case
3) rproc_detach executed between the queue of the crash work and the call of
=> rproc->state = RPROC_DETACHED;
=> we don't go in "the condition" and issue because the recovery reattach
to the remote processor
=> but pm_relax is called
=> probably need an extra fix to avoid to re-attach
4) crash report while already one is treated (rproc_attach_recovery called)
this one corresponds to an auto reboot of the remote processor, with a
new crash
=> rproc->state = RPROC_CRASHED or rproc->state = RPROC_DETACHED;
4)a) rproc->state = RPROC_CRASHED if rproc->recovery_disabled = true
=> should call pm_relax if rproc->recovery_disabled = true
=> commit does not work for this use case
4)b) rproc->state = RPROC_DETACHED if recovery fails
=> error case with an unstable state
=> how to differentiate it from the use case 3) ?
=> introduce a RPROC_RECOVERY_FAIL state?
The case where a recovery fails needs to be considered and is the
reason the original patch doesn't work. Right now in
rproc_crash_handler_work(), it is not possible to differentiate
between a legitimate shutdown request (scenario #2 above) and a
recovery that went wrong. I think introducing RPROC_RECOVERY_FAIL
would greatly simplify things.
My initial evaluation had not considered the attach/detach scenarios -
thanks for adding that in the mix.
Aiqun, please send a new patchset that adds a new remote processor
state, i.e RPROC_RECOVERY_FAIL. There should also be another patch in
that set that takes attach/detach scenarios into account. The code
between the v6.0 and v6.1 cycle has changed a lot in that area so make
sure to properly rebase.
Then pm_stay_awake is called when the crash work is queued.
It seems to me coherent to call the pm_relax in the work handler.
Here is a quick and dirty patch (not tested) that should take into account the
main use cases ( except 1) and 4)b) )
@@ -2009,8 +2009,18 @@ static void rproc_crash_handler_work(struct work_struct *work)
- if (rproc->state == RPROC_CRASHED || rproc->state == RPROC_OFFLINE) {
+ if (rproc->state == RPROC_CRASHED || rproc->state == RPROC_OFFLINE ||
+ rproc->state == RPROC_DETACHED) {
/* handle only the first crash detected */
+ /*
+ * call pm-relax in following use cases:
+ * - the remote processor has been stopped by the user
+ * - the remote processor is detached
+ + - the remote proc has an autonomous reset but recovery_disabled is true.
+ */
+ if(rproc->state != RPROC_CRASHED || rproc->recovery_disabled)
+ pm_relax(rproc->dev.parent);
When the state is in RPROC_OFFLINE it means separate request
of rproc_stop was done and no need to hold the wakeup source
in crash handler to recover any more.
Signed-off-by: Maria Yu <quic_aiquny@xxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_core.c | 11 +++++++++++
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+)
diff --git a/drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_core.c
index e5279ed9a8d7..6bc7b8b7d01e 100644
--- a/drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_core.c
+++ b/drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_core.c
@@ -1956,6 +1956,17 @@ static void rproc_crash_handler_work(struct
work_struct *work)
if (rproc->state == RPROC_CRASHED || rproc->state ==
/* handle only the first crash detected */
+ /*
+ * RPROC_OFFLINE state indicate there is no recovery process
+ * is in progress and no chance to have pm_relax in place.
+ * Because when recovering from crash, rproc->lock is held and
+ * and then unlock rproc->lock.
+ * RPROC_OFFLINE is only an intermediate state in recovery
+ * process.
+ */
+ if (rproc->state == RPROC_OFFLINE)
+ pm_relax(rproc->dev.parent);
Thx and BRs,
Aiqun(Maria) Yu
Thx and BRs,
Aiqun(Maria) Yu
Thx and BRs,
Aiqun(Maria) Yu