Re: [PATCH v4 3/8] dt-bindings: media: add bindings for TI DS90UB960
From: Vaittinen, Matti
Date: Thu Nov 03 2022 - 08:14:01 EST
On 11/3/22 13:50, Tomi Valkeinen wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> On 02/11/2022 19:26, Rob Herring wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 01, 2022 at 03:20:27PM +0200, Tomi Valkeinen wrote:
>>> +
>>> + i2c-alias-pool:
>> Something common or could be? If not, then needs a vendor prefix.
> I'll have to think about this. It is related to the i2c-atr, so I think
> it might be a common thing.
I'd say this should be common. Where the i2c-atr properties should live
is another question though. If the I2C-atr stays as a genericly usable
component - then these bindings should be in a file that can be
referenced by other I2C-atr users (like the UB960 here).
// snip
>>> +
>>> + i2c-alias:
>> Vendor prefix.
>>> + description: |
>>> + The i2c address used for the serializer. Transactions
>>> to this
>>> + address on the i2c bus where the deserializer resides are
>>> + forwarded to the serializer.
>>> +
>>> + rx-mode:
>> Vendor prefix. And so on... >
> Yes, I totally missed these.
I think the i2c-alias might need to be common as well?
Best Regards
-- Matti Vaittinen
Matti Vaittinen
Linux kernel developer at ROHM Semiconductors
Oulu Finland
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