Re: [PATCH] arch: arm64: dts: apple: Remove stdout-path

From: Akihiko Odaki
Date: Thu Dec 01 2022 - 13:15:30 EST

On 2022/12/02 2:46, Hector Martin wrote:
On 02/12/2022 01.38, Akihiko Odaki wrote:
>> In contrary, if you boot the kernel without the hypervisor
>> feature and this change, you will completely lose the console.
> How so? The console goes to both places with stdout-path set to serial0.
> What it *does* change is where input is accepted prior to getty startup
> (which is why u-boot specifically conditions this on keyboard presence,
> modulo the USB issue - because if you *don't* have a keyboard then tty
> keyboard input is useless). But if you're booting kernels without u-boot
> along the way, you're probably doing it from the hypervisor or
> anyway, especially if you plan to do something like "init=/bin/sh",
> because without u-boot (+ optionally some EFI loader) there is no way of
> editing command line arguments at boot time stand-alone.

Well, that is not exactly the behavior I saw. In my case, if stdout-path
is pointed to serial, there is no output on the framebuffer, and it just
printed "_".

It looks like the kernel only outputs to either of serial and
framebuffer, not both.

That is not what I've seen in all of my hypervisor runs since the dawn
of time. You get log output on both.

What I experienced is that when I directly booted the kernel from m1n1
without hypervisor, it showed no output to the display even though the
same kernel worked with U-Boot. While I could tell it used wrong console
by running the hypervisor, I wondered why it behaves differently without
U-Boot, and found the aforementioned U-Boot change, coming up with this

Then it sounds like something else is different about our setups,
because I've booted the kernel from hundreds of times and I get
output on both. Looking through the console code, the VT console gets
added and enabled really early, and the subsequent serial console
registration later does not disable it.

Look for "console: colour dummy device 80x25". It should be immediately
followed by "printk: console [tty0] enabled", and this should all come
well before the ttySAC0 serial stuff shows up.

- Hector

I think I understand the situation now. By "console", I was meaning the input and output of init, but I failed to clarify that and you thought it referring to kernel message output. I saw no messages earlier than init because my kernel command line has loglevel=3.

Akihiko Odaki