Hi Angelo,
On Mon, 2022-12-05 at 15:21 +0100, AngeloGioacchino Del Regno wrote:
Il 05/12/22 07:57, Xiangsheng Hou ha scritto:
Add optional nfi_hclk which needed for MT7986.
Signed-off-by: Xiangsheng Hou <xiangsheng.hou@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Is there any operation for which you need NFI_HCLK enabled, but at
the same time
PAD_CLK and/or NFI_CLK can be disabled?
No, for the new IP design on MT7986, will need the
PAD_CLK/NFI_CLK/NFI_HCLK enabled at the same time.
If NFI_HCLK and NFI_CLK must always be ON at the same time, adding
this clock to
spi-mtk-snfi.c is *not* an optimal way of doing things: you can, at
this point,
set NFI_HCLK as parent of NFI_CLK in the MT7986 clock driver instead,
making any addition to this driver at all.
For some IC, there may have only NFI_CLK/PAD_CLK, and have no NFI_HCLK,
this rely on IC design.