Re: [PATCH v2 06/10] soc: fsl: qe: Add support for QMC
From: Herve Codina
Date: Wed Jan 11 2023 - 10:40:43 EST
Hi Christophe,
On Wed, 11 Jan 2023 13:58:03 +0000
Christophe Leroy <christophe.leroy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Le 06/01/2023 à 17:37, Herve Codina a écrit :
> > The QMC (QUICC Multichannel Controller) is available on some
> > PowerQUICC SoC such as the MPC885 or MPC866.
> Same, that's QMC for CPM for the time being, should that be made clear
> in the subject ?
Also same answer:
Will changing the subject be enough or do I need to move it to new
created drivers/soc/fsl/cpm/ directory ?
> QE also has QMC and this driver might be used for QE QMC as well with
> some enhancement, maybe that could be explained here ?
Yes and we plan to have it working on QE too.
What do you think if I add the following:
The QMC is also available on some Quicc Engine SoC.
This current version support CPM1 SoC only. Some
enhancement are needed to support Quicc Engine SoC.
> I see you are using in_be16(), out_be16() etc ....
> That's specific to powerpc arch, maybe it is better to use ioread16be,
> iowrite16be() etc ....
> See commit 3f39f38ea91d ("soc: fsl: qe: replace qe_io{read,write}*
> wrappers by generic io{read,write}*") and commit 6ac9b61786cc ("soc:
> fsl: qe: introduce qe_io{read,write}* wrappers") for information.
You're right.
I will switch to io{read,write}{16,32}be.
I prefer avoid the use of qe_* wrappers as the driver is not
(yet) compatible with QE.
> >
> > It emulates up to 64 channels within one serial controller
> > using the same TDM physical interface routed from the TSA.
> >
> > Signed-off-by: Herve Codina <herve.codina@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> In some places, you comments use the network style, not the generic style.
I will fix them.
> Christophe
Thanks for the review,
Hervé Codina, Bootlin
Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering