Re: [net-next PATCH 5/5] octeontx2-pf: Add support for HTB offload
From: Maxim Mikityanskiy
Date: Fri Jan 13 2023 - 07:22:59 EST
On Thu, Jan 12, 2023 at 11:01:20PM +0530, Hariprasad Kelam wrote:
> From: Naveen Mamindlapalli <naveenm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> This patch registers callbacks to support HTB offload.
> Below are features supported,
> - supports traffic shaping on the given class by honoring rate and ceil
> configuration.
> - supports traffic scheduling, which prioritizes different types of
> traffic based on strict priority values.
> - supports the creation of leaf to inner classes such that parent node
> rate limits apply to all child nodes.
> Signed-off-by: Naveen Mamindlapalli <naveenm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Signed-off-by: Hariprasad Kelam <hkelam@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Signed-off-by: Sunil Kovvuri Goutham <sgoutham@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
Great job! Nice to see the second user of HTB offload.
(Ccing Mellanox folks for more eyes on the series [1].)
> + fallthrough;
> + default:
> + return -EOPNOTSUPP;
Is there any technical difficulty or hardware limitation preventing from
implementing modifications?