Re: Internal vs. external barriers (was: Re: Interesting LKMM litmus test)

From: Jonas Oberhauser
Date: Tue Jan 24 2023 - 10:12:04 EST

On 1/24/2023 3:54 PM, Paul E. McKenney wrote:
On Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 12:09:48PM +0100, Andrea Parri wrote:
There is the one below, but I am (1) not sure that I have it right,
(2) not immediately certain that the Linux-kernel implementation would
forbid it, (3) not immediately sure that it should be forbidden.

In the meantime, thoughts?
As it stands, P0 to completion, then P1 to completion, then P2 to
completion should meet the "exists" clause; I guess we want "x=1"
in the clause (or the values of the stores to "x" exchanged).
OK, so I still don't have it right. ;-)

Make that x=1. I think.

If it is x=1, why doesn't LKMM forbid it?
Because T1:y=1 is read by T1 before the GP, the whole CS is before the GP, i.e.,

srcu_read_unlock(s, r1); ->rcu-order synchronize_srcu(s);

The GP is furthermore po;prop;strong-fence;prop;po ordered before the unlock, which you can shuffle around to get
   Wx=2  ->prop;po;rcu-order;po ;  prop;strong-fence  Wx=2
   Wx=2  ->rb  Wx=2
which is forbidden because rb is irreflexive.

