Re: [RFC PATCH v2 01/31] Documentation: kvx: Add basic documentation

From: Bagas Sanjaya
Date: Wed Jan 25 2023 - 21:24:03 EST

On Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 07:28:20PM +0100, Jules Maselbas wrote:
> Hi Bagas,
> Thanks for taking your time and effort to improve the documentation.
> We not only need to clean the documention syntax and wording but also
> its content. I am tempted to apply all your proposed changes first and
> then work on improving and correcting the documentation.
> However I am not very sure on how to integrate your changes and give
> proper contribution attributions. Any insights on this would be greatly
> appreciated.

Hi Jules,

The reword diff can be squashed into the doc patch (here, [01/31]).

For the attribution, since the reword is significant,

Co-developed-by: Bagas Sanjaya <bagasdotme@xxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Bagas Sanjaya <bagasdotme@xxxxxxxxx>


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