Re: [PATCH 0/6] ARM: dts: add mmc aliases for Exynos devices
From: Krzysztof Kozlowski
Date: Thu Jan 26 2023 - 07:23:03 EST
On 26/01/2023 11:38, Henrik Grimler wrote:
> It is convenient to have fixed mmcblk numbering of the eMMC and
> sdcard, and with these aliases all Exynos 4 and 5 devices (and
> probably Exynos 3, but I do not have one of those boards so cannot
> verify) will have the eMMC as mmc0 and sdcard as mmc2.
> I also removed sdhc aliases, as they should not be needed after [1] as
> I understand it.
> [1]
Marek sent the same in the past:
The patches are fine for me except, that these actually do not belong to
DTSI. Aliases for board or user-exposable interfaces are actually board
specific and each board should customize the ones it uses.
Best regards,