- Adds gcc dsi1pll and dsi1pllbyte to gcc clock list.I'm confused. Are you not contradicting yourself here? You say that
Reviewing the silicon documentation we see dsi0_phy_pll is used to clock
Root Source Select
000 : cxo
001 : dsi0_phy_pll_out_byteclk
011 : gnd
100 : gnd
101 : gnd
110 : gnd
111 : reserved - Stephan/Bryan
dsi0_phy_pll (dsi ZERO) is used to clock GCC_BYTE1_CFG_RCGR. Then why
do you add dsi1_phy_pll (dsi ONE) to the gcc clock list?
To me this looks like a confirmation of what downstream does, that both
DSI byte clocks are actually sourced from the dsi0_phy and the PLL of