In workloads where this_cpu operations are frequently performed,
enabling DEBUG_PREEMPT may result in significant increase in
runtime overhead due to frequent invocation of
__this_cpu_preempt_check() function.
This can be demonstrated through benchmarks such as hackbench where this
configuration results in a 10% reduction in performance, primarily due to
the added overhead within memcg charging path.
Therefore, do not to enable DEBUG_PREEMPT by default and make users aware
of its potential impact on performance in some workloads.
debug_preempt no_debug_preempt
Amean 1 0.4743 ( 0.00%) 0.4295 * 9.45%*
Amean 4 1.4191 ( 0.00%) 1.2650 * 10.86%*
Amean 7 2.2677 ( 0.00%) 2.0094 * 11.39%*
Amean 12 3.6821 ( 0.00%) 3.2115 * 12.78%*
Amean 21 6.6752 ( 0.00%) 5.7956 * 13.18%*
Amean 30 9.6646 ( 0.00%) 8.5197 * 11.85%*
Amean 48 15.3363 ( 0.00%) 13.5559 * 11.61%*
Amean 79 24.8603 ( 0.00%) 22.0597 * 11.27%*
Amean 96 30.1240 ( 0.00%) 26.8073 * 11.01%*
Signed-off-by: Hyeonggon Yoo <42.hyeyoo@xxxxxxxxx>