Re: [PATCH v2] tools/nolibc: Add stdint.h
From: Willy Tarreau
Date: Thu Feb 02 2023 - 16:47:12 EST
Hi Vincent,
On Thu, Feb 02, 2023 at 03:11:01PM -0500, Vincent Dagonneau wrote:
> Hi,
> This is v2, thank you Thomas for the reply. This version hopefully
> addresses the comments you made. I also added some rough tests for the
> limits.
> Add stdint.h and moved the relevant definitions from std.h. Also added
> macros for limits and *_least_* types. Adds tests for the integer
> limits.
First, thanks for this work. In order to respond your initial question,
yes there's definitely interest in having something like this to further
ease portability, even if we all know that programs that can be built
with nolibc are really tiny and limited.
A few points though:
- for your commit message, you'll need to put a description of what
it does and the reasons for your choices so that it's easier to
figure later when facing the patch during a bisect session or a
git blame.
- you'll also need to append your signed-off-by tag for the patch to
be merged. Some developers purposely don't put it during reviews
to save it from being merged but then it's better to write
"PATCH RFC" in the subject to make it more obvious.
- the history between your changes, if any, should rather be placed
after the "---" that ends the commit message: it will not appear
in the commit message but still passes the info to the reviewers.
- I'm seeing some preparatory changes in nolibc-test.c that are not
directly caused by the patch itself but by its impact (essentially
the width changes), and these ones should be separate so that they
do not pollute the patch and allow reviewers to focus on the
important part of your changes. I even think that you could proceed
in three steps:
- introduce stdint with the new types and values
- enlarge all fields in the selftest to preserve alignment when
dealing with large return values
- add the integer tests to the suite.
That would give you 3 patches. In the last one it would be appreciated
if you at least mention roughly in which condition you've tested it
(native local test, or qemu for arch x/y or real hardware of what arch).
That will help other testers gauge if it's worth running extra tests on
other platforms or not.
This aside, I'm having a few concerns below:
> +typedef unsigned long size_t;
> +#define INT64_MIN (-9223372036854775807-1)
This one shoul have "LL" appended, otherwise in some operations it will
be considered as an integer and some values can be truncated.
> +#define INT64_MAX (9223372036854775807)
Same for this one.
> +#define UINT8_MAX (255)
> +#define UINT16_MAX (65535)
> +#define UINT32_MAX (4294967295U)
> +#define UINT64_MAX (18446744073709551615)
This one is missing ULL for the same reasons. Look for example at the
nasty impacts on a 32-bit system:
$ gcc-5.5.0 -xc -Os -fomit-frame-pointer -o /dev/stdout -S - <<< "unsigned x() { return ((18446744073709551615) << 1) >> 40; }" | grep movl
<stdin>: In function 'x':
<stdin>:1:25: warning: integer constant is so large that it is unsigned
movl $33554431, %eax
$ gcc-5.5.0 -xc -Os -fomit-frame-pointer -o /dev/stdout -S - <<< "unsigned x() { return ((18446744073709551615ULL) << 1) >> 40; }" | grep movl
movl $16777215, %eax
See ? When there's no variable around to help figure the type, the default
type will be "int" for the intermediary operations and some calculations
will be wrong without the proper suffix.
> +#define SIZE_MAX UINT64_MAX
This one is not correct, it must follow the word size since it's defined
as an unsigned long (i.e. same as UINTPTR_MAX later).
And below please also add the LL/ULL as needed to the hex values you're
testing to match the expected signedness and size:
> @@ -531,6 +531,35 @@ int run_syscall(int min, int max)
> CASE_TEST(waitpid_child); EXPECT_SYSER(1, waitpid(getpid(), &tmp, WNOHANG), -1, ECHILD); break;
> CASE_TEST(write_badf); EXPECT_SYSER(1, write(-1, &tmp, 1), -1, EBADF); break;
> CASE_TEST(write_zero); EXPECT_SYSZR(1, write(1, &tmp, 0)); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_int8_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, INT8_MAX, (int8_t) 0x7f); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_int8_min); EXPECT_EQ(1, INT8_MIN, (int8_t) 0x80); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_uint8_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, UINT8_MAX, (uint8_t) 0xff); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_int16_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, INT16_MAX, (int16_t) 0x7fff); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_int16_min); EXPECT_EQ(1, INT16_MIN, (int16_t) 0x8000); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_uint16_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, UINT16_MAX, (uint16_t) 0xffff); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_int32_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, INT32_MAX, (int32_t) 0x7fffffff); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_int32_min); EXPECT_EQ(1, INT32_MIN, (int32_t) 0x80000000); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_uint32_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, UINT32_MAX, (uint32_t) 0xffffffff); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_int64_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, INT64_MAX, (int64_t) 0x7fffffffffffffff); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_int64_min); EXPECT_EQ(1, INT64_MIN, (int64_t) 0x8000000000000000); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_uint64_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, UINT64_MAX, (uint64_t) 0xffffffffffffffff); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_int_least8_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, INT_LEAST8_MAX, (int_least8_t) 0x7f); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_int_least8_min); EXPECT_EQ(1, INT_LEAST8_MIN, (int_least8_t) 0x80); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_uint_least8_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, UINT_LEAST8_MAX, (uint_least8_t) 0xff); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_int_least16_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, INT_LEAST16_MAX, (int_least16_t) 0x7fff); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_int_least16_min); EXPECT_EQ(1, INT_LEAST16_MIN, (int_least16_t) 0x8000); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_uint_least16_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, UINT_LEAST16_MAX, (uint_least16_t) 0xffff); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_int_least32_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, INT_LEAST32_MAX, (int_least32_t) 0x7fffffff); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_int_least32_min); EXPECT_EQ(1, INT_LEAST32_MIN, (int_least32_t) 0x80000000); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_uint_least32_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, UINT_LEAST32_MAX, (uint_least32_t) 0xffffffff); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_int_least64_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, INT_LEAST64_MAX, (int_least64_t) 0x7fffffffffffffff); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_int_least64_min); EXPECT_EQ(1, INT_LEAST64_MIN, (int_least64_t) 0x8000000000000000); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_uint_least64_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, UINT_LEAST64_MAX, (uint_least64_t) 0xffffffffffffffff); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_intptr_min); EXPECT_EQ(1, INTPTR_MIN, (void*) 0x8000000000000000); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_intptr_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, INTPTR_MAX, (void*) 0x7fffffffffffffff); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_uintptr_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, UINTPTR_MAX, (void*) 0xffffffffffffffff); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_ptrdiff_min); EXPECT_EQ(1, PTRDIFF_MIN, (void*) 0x8000000000000000); break;
> + CASE_TEST(limit_ptrdiff_max); EXPECT_EQ(1, PTRDIFF_MAX, (void*) 0x7fffffffffffffff); break;
Other than that it looks correct.
If you're having doubts, please run it in i386 mode. For this, please have
a look at the thread surrounding this message, as we had a very similar
discussion recently:
It will show how to run the test for other architectures under qemu
without having to rebuild a whole kernel. For what you're doing it's
a perfect example where it makes sense.
I would also suggest always trying arm (has unsigned chars, could
possibly catch a mistake) and mips (big endian though should not
be affected by your changes, but it's a good habit to develop).