RE: [PATCH -next V7 0/7] riscv: Optimize function trace
From: David Laight
Date: Thu Feb 09 2023 - 04:00:23 EST
From: Guo Ren
> Sent: 09 February 2023 01:51
> Yours cost one more instruction, right?
> addr-12 auipc
> addr-8 jalr
> addr-4 // Literal (32-bits)
> addr+0 nop or jmp addr-n // one more?
> addr+4 function_code
Yes, it is 4 bytes larger but there is one less
instruction executed (only one nop) when ftrace is disabled.
That probably matters more than anything in the ftrace
'prologue' code.
I also suspect that you can use a 32bit integer as
a table index in 64bit mode to save a word there.
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