Re: [PATCH] media: mediatek: vcodec: Force capture queue format to MM21

From: AngeloGioacchino Del Regno
Date: Thu Feb 09 2023 - 07:56:56 EST

Il 09/02/23 09:57, Tommaso Merciai ha scritto:
Hi Yunfei Dong,

On Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 03:40:25PM +0800, Yunfei Dong wrote:
In order to conver the format of capture queue from mediatek MM21 to
standard yuv420 with Libyuv, need to force capture queue format to
MM21 for Libyuv can't covert mediatek MT21 format.

Sorry, just some clarifications on my side, just to understand :)
The problem is that libyuv can't convert mm21 format into yuv420
than you need to use mm21 (forcing this).
Did I understand correctly?

vcodec can output either MM21 or MT21C; libyuv can't handle the MT21C format,
at least for now, hence he is forcing vcodec to always give MM21 for things
to actually work... at a later time, I hope and suppose that this driver will
change to not force anything anymore.

Thanks in advance,

Yunfei, since this is required to get "basic" functionality, this commit needs
a Fixes tag: can you please add the right one?
