Re: [PATCH] vhost-vdpa: cleanup memory maps when closing vdpa fds

From: Longpeng (Mike, Cloud Infrastructure Service Product Dept.)
Date: Tue Feb 14 2023 - 01:28:28 EST

在 2023/2/14 14:16, Jason Wang 写道:

在 2023/1/31 22:53, Longpeng(Mike) 写道:
From: Longpeng <longpeng2@xxxxxxxxxx>

We must cleanup all memory maps when closing the vdpa fds, otherwise
some critical resources (e.g. memory, iommu map) will leaked if the
userspace exits unexpectedly (e.g. kill -9).

Sounds like a bug of the kernel, should we fix there?

For example, the iommu map is setup when QEMU calls VHOST_IOTLB_UPDATE ioctl and it'll be freed if QEMU calls VHOST_IOTLB_INVALIDATE ioctl.

So maybe we release these resources in vdpa framework in kernel is a suitable choice?

By the way, Jason, can you reproduce the problem in your machine?


Signed-off-by: Longpeng <longpeng2@xxxxxxxxxx>
  drivers/vhost/vdpa.c | 13 +++++++++++++
  1 file changed, 13 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/vhost/vdpa.c b/drivers/vhost/vdpa.c
index a527eeeac637..37477cffa5aa 100644
--- a/drivers/vhost/vdpa.c
+++ b/drivers/vhost/vdpa.c
@@ -823,6 +823,18 @@ static void vhost_vdpa_unmap(struct vhost_vdpa *v,
          vhost_vdpa_remove_as(v, asid);
+static void vhost_vdpa_clean_map(struct vhost_vdpa *v)
+    struct vhost_vdpa_as *as;
+    u32 asid;
+    for (asid = 0; asid < v->vdpa->nas; asid++) {
+        as = asid_to_as(v, asid);
+        if (as)
+            vhost_vdpa_unmap(v, &as->iotlb, 0ULL, 0ULL - 1);
+    }
  static int vhost_vdpa_va_map(struct vhost_vdpa *v,
                   struct vhost_iotlb *iotlb,
                   u64 iova, u64 size, u64 uaddr, u32 perm)
@@ -1247,6 +1259,7 @@ static int vhost_vdpa_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filep)
+    vhost_vdpa_clean_map(v);
