Re: [PATCH V2 7/8] soundwire: amd: handle soundwire wake enable interrupt

From: Pierre-Louis Bossart
Date: Tue Feb 14 2023 - 14:23:05 EST

>>> static void amd_sdw_irq_thread(struct work_struct *work)
>>> {
>>> struct amd_sdw_manager *amd_manager =
>>> @@ -945,6 +952,9 @@ static void amd_sdw_irq_thread(struct work_struct *work)
>>> status_change_0to7 = acp_reg_readl(amd_manager->mmio + ACP_SW_STATE_CHANGE_STATUS_0TO7);
>>> dev_dbg(amd_manager->dev, "%s [SDW%d] SDW INT: 0to7=0x%x, 8to11=0x%x\n",
>>> __func__, amd_manager->instance, status_change_0to7, status_change_8to11);
>>> + if (status_change_8to11 & AMD_SDW_WAKE_STAT_MASK)
>>> + return amd_sdw_process_wake_event(amd_manager);
>>> +
>> it's not clear what 8to11 might have to do with the wake enable?
>> Can't you have a wake for devices 1..7?
> It can wake any device from 1..11 .
> SoundWire Wake interrupt status bit is part of 8to11 register.

You probably want to explain what status_change_0to7 and
status_change_8to11 actually control, it's not very intuitive for me to
see device 1 interrupt being handled in status_change_8to11?