Re: [PATCH] init/Kconfig: extend -Wno-array-bounds to gcc 13

From: Tom Rix
Date: Tue Mar 07 2023 - 08:32:03 EST

On 3/7/23 3:42 AM, Miguel Ojeda wrote:
On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 2:07 AM Tom Rix <trix@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The build with fail generally with gcc 13.

The warnings could be cleaned without having an error, but I looked at
multiple errors, none of them were real.

imo this is a broken compiler option.
I am not sure I understand -- my reading of Kees' message is that he
would prefer to get the warning (rather than the kernel) fixed before
GCC 13 releases.

yes, that would be ideal.

But anyone using gcc 13 in the meanwhile will have a broken build

and any other aspect of testing the kernel with gcc 13 would have

to be deferred to after the fix, if it happens.

Are you asking to have the option disabled until GCC 13 releases and
reevaluate then? How many warnings are you getting? Are those actual
errors or `-Werror`?

With W=1, there are 40 error:'s, sorry I do not have the default logs at hand.

I looked about 10 of them over the weekend, they we all bogus.

So gcc needs to be fixed first, just disabling with -Wnoerror will

give folks bad problems that do not need fixing.

I am asking that we at least temporarily disable this option so

the build break is fixed.

