Re: [PATCH] scsi: core: Add BLIST_NO_ASK_VPD_SIZE for some VDASD

From: Martin K. Petersen
Date: Tue Mar 07 2023 - 18:41:19 EST


> My worry is that this won't always work. Looking at the code, the
> buffer sizes used for VPD pages include 8, 32, 64, and 252 bytes. I'm
> not sure how reading 255 bytes into an 8-byte buffer would work.

In the scsi_get_vpd_buf() case we will allocate a 255 byte buffer since
that's what scsi_get_vpd_size() returns for a VDASD.

And in the scsi_get_vpd_page() case, where a buffer already exists, we
clamp the INQUIRY size to the minimum of scsi_get_vpd_size() and the
buffer length provided by the caller.

Martin K. Petersen Oracle Linux Engineering