[PATCH 0/5] dma: don't set chancnt
From: Jisheng Zhang
Date: Mon Mar 13 2023 - 13:15:29 EST
I'm patching dw-axi-dmac to add more features, but I found a small
clean up point and some drivers in drivers/dma/ have the same issue,
so this series comes.
The dma framework will calculate the dma channels chancnt, setting it
is wrong.
NOTE: I leav drivers/dma/ioat/ as is, because its logic have a
heavy dependency on chancnt usage, however it's still doable.
Jisheng Zhang (5):
dmaengine: dw-axi-dmac: Don't set chancnt
dmaengine: axi-dmac: Don't set chancnt
dmaengine: plx_dma: Don't set chancnt
dmaengine: hidma: Don't set chancnt
dmaengine: sprd: Don't set chancnt
drivers/dma/dma-axi-dmac.c | 1 -
drivers/dma/dw-axi-dmac/dw-axi-dmac-platform.c | 1 -
drivers/dma/plx_dma.c | 1 -
drivers/dma/qcom/hidma.c | 1 -
drivers/dma/sprd-dma.c | 1 -
5 files changed, 5 deletions(-)