It seems to make an assumption that everything starting with IIO_DEV_ATTR_ has the mode field at the same position. Which is not the case.
On 3/15/23 07:03, Dan Carpenter wrote:
On Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 03:17:28PM +0200, Menna Mahmoud wrote:Yes, checkpatch seems to be confused here.
Hi Mentors,What??? Is it complaining about the 0200? That is octal. Why is
I am Menna, Outreachy applicant and I work on my clean-up patches.
Is it Okay to work on this error reported by checkpatch script?
ERROR: Use 4 digit octal (0777) not decimal permissions
#256: FILE: drivers/staging/iio/frequency/ad9832.c:256:
+static IIO_DEV_ATTR_FREQ(0, 1, 0200, NULL, ad9832_write, AD9832_FREQ1HM);
checkpatch complaining about this? Am I wrong? Maybe I am misreading.
I could investigate, but I am leaving that task to you. It may be that
checkpatch has a problem and you can fix that instead.