Re: [PATCH 1/3] arm64: dts: ti: k3-j784s4-main: Add MAIN domain R5F cluster nodes

From: Nishanth Menon
Date: Wed Mar 29 2023 - 17:55:22 EST

On 15:19-20230329, Hari Nagalla wrote:
> >> + status = "disabled";
> > Why are these disabled by default?
> Well, the idea is to let the board specific device tree enable needed remote
> core nodes in *-evm/sk.dts and disable by default in SoC device tree files
> by default.

NAK. SoC dtsi nodes are enabled by default, the actual "disable" in a
node only makes sense if that node has some dependency on board specific
physical dts property - such as pinmux etc that characterizes. This is
the discussion we have had and why selective muxes are enabled. CPU
cores make no sense to disable by default - you could have a case where
they may be efused out on a sub device variant, in which case, you are
perfectly valid to disable that node in the board dts OR if the sub
device variant is used on multiple boards, introduce a sub board variant
and disable it in the dtsi.

Nishanth Menon
Key (0xDDB5849D1736249D) / Fingerprint: F8A2 8693 54EB 8232 17A3 1A34 DDB5 849D 1736 249D