Re: [PATCH v3 04/13] rust: add pin-init API core

From: Alice Ryhl
Date: Thu Mar 30 2023 - 09:33:51 EST

On 3/30/23 00:33, y86-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
From: Benno Lossin <y86-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

This API is used to facilitate safe pinned initialization of structs. It
replaces cumbersome `unsafe` manual initialization with elegant safe macro

Due to the size of this change it has been split into six commits:
1. This commit introducing the basic public interface: traits and
functions to represent and create initializers.
2. Adds the `#[pin_data]`, `pin_init!`, `try_pin_init!`, `init!` and
`try_init!` macros along with their internal types.
3. Adds the `InPlaceInit` trait that allows using an initializer to create
an object inside of a `Box<T>` and other smart pointers.
4. Adds the `PinnedDrop` trait and adds macro support for it in
the `#[pin_data]` macro.
5. Adds the `stack_pin_init!` macro allowing to pin-initialize a struct on
the stack.
6. Adds the `Zeroable` trait and `init::zeroed` function to initialize
types that have `0x00` in all bytes as a valid bit pattern.

Co-developed-by: Gary Guo <gary@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Gary Guo <gary@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Benno Lossin <y86-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Alice Ryhl <aliceryhl@xxxxxxxxxx>

+//! Aside from pinned initialization, this API also supports in-place construction without pinning,
+//! the marcos/types/functions are generally named like the pinned variants without the `pin`
+//! prefix.

Typo: Should be "macros".

+type Invariant<T> = PhantomData<fn(*mut T) -> *mut T>;

I think it would make sense to include a link to the nomicon on the documentation for the Invariant type.

E.g. this link:

+// This is the module-internal type implementing `PinInit` and `Init`. It is unsafe to create this
+// type, since the closure needs to fulfill the same safety requirement as the
+// `__pinned_init`/`__init` functions.
+struct InitClosure<F, T: ?Sized, E>(F, Invariant<(E, T)>);

Documentation for a type should use /// rather than //.

I think it would help to call out explicitly in the documentation on this type that it is an implementation detail of the pin_init_from_closure and init_from_closure methods.