Re: [PATCH v3 08/13] rust: init: add `stack_pin_init!` macro

From: Alice Ryhl
Date: Thu Mar 30 2023 - 11:00:44 EST

On 3/30/23 00:33, y86-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
From: Benno Lossin <y86-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

The `stack_pin_init!` macro allows pin-initializing a value on the
stack. It accepts a `impl PinInit<T, E>` to initialize a `T`. It allows
propagating any errors via `?` or handling it normally via `match`.

Signed-off-by: Benno Lossin <y86-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Alice Ryhl <aliceryhl@xxxxxxxxxx>

+macro_rules! stack_pin_init {
+ (let $var:ident $(: $t:ty)? = $val:expr) => {
+ let mut $var = $crate::init::__internal::StackInit$(::<$t>)?::uninit();
+ let mut $var = {
+ let val = $val;
+ unsafe { $crate::init::__internal::StackInit::init(&mut $var, val) }
+ };
+ };
+ (let $var:ident $(: $t:ty)? =? $val:expr) => {
+ let mut $var = $crate::init::__internal::StackInit$(::<$t>)?::uninit();
+ let mut $var = {
+ let val = $val;
+ unsafe { $crate::init::__internal::StackInit::init(&mut $var, val)? }
+ };
+ };

This will be inconvenient to use if the initializer is infallible and is used inside an infallible function. However, I'm not sure what a better alternative would be. Perhaps we should have three variants?

Also, maybe a `<-` rather than `=` would be more consistent?

Anyway, I don't think this should block the PR. We can revisit it later if it becomes a problem.