Re: [PATCH v3 09/13] rust: init: add `Zeroable` trait and `init::zeroed` function

From: Alice Ryhl
Date: Thu Mar 30 2023 - 18:40:44 EST

On 3/30/23 00:33, y86-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
From: Benno Lossin <y86-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Add the `Zeroable` trait which marks types that can be initialized by
writing `0x00` to every byte of the type. Also add the `init::zeroed`
function that creates an initializer for a `Zeroable` type that writes
`0x00` to every byte.

Signed-off-by: Benno Lossin <y86-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+// SAFETY: `null` pointer is valid.
+unsafe impl<T: ?Sized> Zeroable for *mut T {}
+unsafe impl<T: ?Sized> Zeroable for *const T {}

Actually, I just realized that this is not ok for unsized types. When T is unsized, the raw pointer is a fat pointer with a vtable, and the vtable part is not necessarily zeroable.

However, it would be ok to do it for `*const [T]` since the fat part of the pointer is just the length in this case, and a length of zero is fine.

See more here: