Re: Introducing bugbot

From: Konstantin Ryabitsev
Date: Tue Apr 04 2023 - 08:37:21 EST

On Tue, Apr 04, 2023 at 07:58:40AM +0200, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
> Would be great if bugbot could CC the regressions list for all bugs that
> have the regressions flag set to "yes"

I'll see if I can add this logic and make it configurable.

> How does one make bugbot forward a bug to everyone in the signed-off-by
> chain of a commit that caused a regression, which might or might not
> have a bugzilla account? When the reporter performed a bisection these
> are the primary contacts that need to be reached out to, but the
> maintainers and lists for the subsystem obviously should be CCed.

I can add a cf_bisected_commit field that can take a commit-id. When gathering
recipients, we can check if we know that commit in one of the tracked
repositories, and get the author field out of it. Would that be sufficient, or
do we need to run get_maintainer on it for a full picture?

Note, that you can also add addresses to Cc: on the thread -- they will be
collected behind the scenes as each message is processed and any bugbot
notifications originating from the bugzilla side will also include them.
