On Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 07:42:50AM -0700, Nikunj Kela wrote:Based on your comments below, we will change our hypervisor to make use of shmem.
that's a good suggestion. Any solution you propose shouldn't just limit toPlease elaborate on your use-case.
only one parameter. IMO, there should be some way to pass all 6 parameters
since we do have a use case of at least two parameters.
ok, understood. In that case, we will change our hypervisor to use shmem address as instance identifier. Please add support for one param, thanks!
The shmem proposal is fine however please also incorporate passing of otherYou are missing the point here. SMC/HVC is just a doorbell and the main point
I made earlier is that there is no need for vendors to try colourful things
here if it is not necessary. So no, I don't want any extra bindings or more
than one param is that is not needed. I will wait for the reason as requested