Re: [PATCH 1/6] media: mediatek: vcodec: can`t regard getting lat buffer fail as error

From: AngeloGioacchino Del Regno
Date: Mon Apr 17 2023 - 05:18:44 EST

Il 17/04/23 07:48, Yunfei Dong ha scritto:
The speed of lat decoder is much faster than core, need to get trans
buffer again when lat fail to get trans buffer.

The commit description is misleading, looks like you're doing functional
changes, but you're just changing loglevels... and the title is also a
little confusing, so.. I would propose:

media: mediatek: vcodec: Avoid unneeded error logging

Since the LAT decoder works faster than its CORE, getting the trans buffer may
be done only after CORE finishes processing: avoid printing an error if the
decode function returns -EAGAIN, as this means that the buffer from CORE is not
yet available, but will be at a later time.

Also change the log level for calls to vdec_msg_queue_dqbuf() in H264 and VP9
LAT decoder drivers to avoid excessive logging.
