Re: [PATCH v4] net: amd: Fix link leak when verifying config failed
From: Simon Horman
Date: Mon Apr 24 2023 - 09:01:34 EST
On Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 06:46:43PM +0800, Gencen Gan wrote:
> After failing to verify configuration, it returns directly without
> releasing link, which may cause memory leak.
> Paolo Abeni thinks that the whole code of this driver is quite
> "suboptimal" and looks unmainatained since at least ~15y, so he
> suggests that we could simply remove the whole driver, please
> take it into consideration.
> Simon Horman suggests that the fix label should be set to
> "Linux-2.6.12-rc2" considering that the problem has existed
> since the driver was introduced and the commit above doesn't
> seem to exist in net/net-next.
> Fixes: 99c3b0265649 ("Linux-2.6.12-rc2")
Unless I'm mistaken, this should be:
Fixes: 1da177e4c3f4 ("Linux-2.6.12-rc2")
> Signed-off-by: Gan Gecen <gangecen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Reviewed-by: Paolo Abeni <pabeni@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Reviewed-by: Simon Horman <simon.horman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
I think that tags such as Reviewed-by need to be given explicitly.
And as the above two Reviewed-by tags were not, so it is a bit
odd for them to appear above.
> ---
> v3->v4: modify the 'Fixes:' tag to make it more accurate.
> drivers/net/ethernet/amd/nmclan_cs.c | 2 +-
> 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
> diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/nmclan_cs.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/nmclan_cs.c
> index 823a329a921f..0dd391c84c13 100644
> --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/nmclan_cs.c
> +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/nmclan_cs.c
> @@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ static int nmclan_config(struct pcmcia_device *link)
> } else {
> pr_notice("mace id not found: %x %x should be 0x40 0x?9\n",
> sig[0], sig[1]);
> - return -ENODEV;
> + goto failed;
> }
> }
> --
> 2.34.1