Re: [regression] Bug 217218 - Trying to boot Linux version 6-2.2 kernel with Marvell SATA controller 88SE9235
From: Robin Murphy
Date: Mon Apr 24 2023 - 10:07:30 EST
On 2023-04-24 14:44, Jason Adriaanse wrote:
I took out "iommu=soft" and the server failed to boot, so yes it does
The first error was
ata7.00: Failed to IDENTIFY (INIT_DEV_PARAMS failed , err_mask=0x80)
OK, great, that confirms the underlying issue existed all along, so the
regression is only a change in who wins a fight between certain
conflicting command-line arguments, which is arguably not so critical.
The rest of the evidence points to 88SE9235 wanting the same phantom
function quirk as most other Marvell controllers, since although it's
apparently been half-fixed such that DMA for two of the ports is being
correctly emitted from function 0 - given that you say two of the disks
*are* detected OK - the other two are still claiming to be function 1
after all.
On 24/04/2023 21:20, Robin Murphy wrote:
On 2023-04-22 07:25, Jason Adriaanse wrote:
Hi Christoph,
Sorry for my late reply, I have been on the road.
So, if I boot with
Then the server boots fine..although that is not a solution because I
need Intel iommu for virtualisation.
Also, I build all my kernels with CONFIG_INTEL_IOMMU=y
If you boot 5.15 *without* the "iommu=soft" argument, just
"intel_iommu=on", does that also break?