Re: [PATCH 0/5] mailbox: apple: Move driver into soc/apple and stop using the subsystem
From: Hector Martin
Date: Mon Apr 24 2023 - 13:33:21 EST
On 31/03/2023 13.14, Hector Martin wrote:
> On 31/03/2023 01.35, Jassi Brar wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 29, 2023 at 5:53 PM Hector Martin <marcan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On 30/03/2023 01.04, Jassi Brar wrote:
>>>>> On top of this, the mailbox subsystem makes design
>>>>> decisions unsuitable for our use case. Its queuing implementation
>>>>> has a fixed queue size and fails sends when full instead of pushing
>>>>> back by blocking, which is completely unsuitable for high-traffic
>>>>> mailboxes with hard reliability requirements, such as ours. We've
>>>>> also run into multiple issues around using mailbox in an atomic
>>>>> context (required for SMC reboot/shutdown requests).
>>>> I don't think you ever shared the issues you were struggling with.
>>> I did try to send a patch clarifying/cleaning up inconsistent usage of
>>> the atomic codepath in other drivers, and you rejected it. At that point
>>> I gave up in trying to contribute to cleaning up the existing mess,
>>> because you're clearly not interested.
>> You mean
>> Now I see where this code-rage comes from.
>> But let me clarify even more...
>> You do not kill some api just because you don't need that and/or you
>> think that is "stupid" because you can't see past your own use-case.
> It is general Linux kernel policy not to have internal APIs with zero
> users. The Rust folks get pushback all the time for upstreaming stuff
> piecewise even though in that case there are known, upcoming,
> in-the-pipeline users (we do that too with rtkit but we always have
> upcoming users downstream and we're small enough nobody notices and
> complains :P). Having dead APIs that nobody uses and nobody can point at
> an upcoming use case for is technical debt. That's why my first patch in
> this series cleans up one of those on our side.
>>> This issue is clearly known, and it doesn't take a lot of thinking to
>>> realize that *any* queue length limit coupled with hard-fails on message
>>> sends instead of pushback is just unsuitable for many use cases. Maybe
>>> all existing mailbox users have intrinsically synchronous use cases that
>>> keep the queue idle enough, or maybe they're just broken only in corner
>>> cases that haven't come back to the mailbox subsystem yet. Either way,
>>> as far as I'm concerned this is broken by design in the general case.
>> You may be surprised but I do understand hardcoding limits on buffer
>> size is taboo.... unless benefits outweigh fingerpointing :)
> Using a fixed size buffer is not the problem, having no blocking
> mechanism when it gets full is the problem.
>> 2) The api relies on last_tx_done() to make sure we submit data only
>> when we have an all-clear ...
> That's not the issue, the issue is putting stuff *into* the queue, not
> taking it *out* of the queue and sending it to the hardware.
>> which is a platform specific way to
>> ensure signal will physically reach the remote (whether data is
>> accepted or not is upto the upper layer protocol and that's why it is
>> recommended to pass pointer to data, rather than data as the signal).
>> The way api is recommended (not required) to be used, the limit on
>> TX_QUEUE_LEN(20), is not impactful beyond the fifo size of the
>> controller. Though I am open to idea of seeing if tx failure should be
>> considered a possiblity even after last_tx_done.
> If I do this:
> for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
> mbox_send_message(...);
> }
> Then, unless the remote is fast enough to accept messages faster than
> the CPU can send them, some of those sends will fail and refuse to send
> data, once the subsystem side queue is full.
> That is broken because it either loses data or forces the user to
> implement retry poll loops, neither of which is appropriate. The mailbox
> subsystem knows when the hardware can send data, it can properly block
> the send on that signal (which is exactly what my refactor in this
> series does when the hardware queue gets full).
> If we instead wait for the tx completion stuff before sending, then that
> defeats the point of having a queue because you'd be waiting for each
> prior message before sending a new one. And then you need to keep track
> of the last completion. And it requires a global serialization on the
> client side anyway unless you can guarantee you have less than
> QUEUE_SIZE clients. And you still have the issue of having to keep the
> message data around until that completion fires, which is more code and
> allocator overhead over just passing it inline, since it's a tiny amount
> of data. Etc etc etc.
> It is a bad API, using it properly and reliably requires basically
> re-implementing part of the subsystem logic in the consumer to work
> around the issues.
>> Iirc on lkml, people have reported using 1000s tx calls per second
>> within this queue limit. I don't know how you tried to interpret that
>> limit but would have helped to know your issue.
> For reference: Our GPU benchmarks will easily hit 18000+ TX calls per
> second through mailbox, even more for some corner cases (this is why I
> want to implement coalescing when the HW queue already has identical
> doorbells, to reduce that). More importantly, although the GPU side
> firmware is usually fast at processing this (it has an IRQ handler and
> its own doorbell coalescing), when GPU faults or errors happen it has
> latency spikes, and then we *must* block mailbox sends until it is ready
> to handle messages again. Dropping messages on the floor is not an
> option. This *has* to be 100% reliable or users' machines crash.
>>>> But if redoing mailbox overall saves you complexity, I am ok with it.
>>> Is that an ack? :-)
>> You sound like being trapped in a bad marriage with mailbox :) And
>> I really don't want you to stay in a rewardless situation --- I have
>> actually asked some platforms during RFCs if mailbox is really useful
>> for them (usually SMC/HVC based useage), but they found use.
>> Please make sure it is not just code-rage of your patchset being
>> rejected, and indeed there are things you can't do with the api.
> It isn't. There's no code rage here, that patch was a long time ago.
> What that patch told me was that cleaning up mailbox to work for us was
> going to be an uphill battle, and then over the course of the year+
> after that it has become very evident that there is a lot of work to do
> to make mailbox work for us. Hence, the conclusion that we're better off
> without. Honestly, at this point, even without that rejection I'd still
> want to move away because there's just so much work to do to get all the
> features we need and bugs we're hitting fixed and no realistic way to
> test other consumers/drivers to make sure we don't break them in the
> process.
>> Because the api can not have Zero impact on any platform's
>> implementation and my ack here could be used as a precedent for every
>> platform to implement their own tx/rx queues and dt handling and move
>> into drivers/soc/.
> As I said, there's a very clear sign here that this is the right move:
> the overall code size goes down. After this series we have:
> - Less code in total (much less actually executing)
> - That works better
> - And is easier to understand and debug
> - And requires less maintenance effort to improve
> If other platforms come to the same conclusion for their use case then
> yes, they should move away from mailbox as well. I would expect that
> might be the case for a subset, not all, of users. If more users follow,
> that should be a sign to you that the mailbox subsystem isn't as useful
> as you'd like :)
> Put another way: common code should actually save you lines of code. If
> it's causing you to spend more lines of code to use it properly than it
> saves, it is not useful and does not actually improve the situation.
>> A couple years later someone will see it doesn't> make sense every> platform is doing the same thing in driver/soc/ and
>> maybe it s a good idea to have some drivers/mailbox/ to hold the
>> common code.
> If they are really doing the same thing, sure. And then might be a good
> time to re-think mailbox and what it should do and how it should offer
> this common code to drivers, in a way that works for more users and
> actually saves everyone time and maintenance effort, with less burden.
>> I am also aware I am just a volunteer at mailbox and can not dictate
>> what you do with your platform. So, is there anything like
>> Neither-acked-nor-objected-but-left-to-soc-by ? ;)
> Not really, because it's your subsystem so we do actually need you to
> ack the driver deletion patch if it's going to go through our tree.
> That's the rules. "Acked" doesn't mean "I am happy with this", it means
> "I am okay with this" ;)
Ping? :-)
- Hector