[PATCH v4 5/5] arm64: dts: ti: k3-j784s4-evm: Enable DisplayPort-0
From: Jayesh Choudhary
Date: Tue Apr 25 2023 - 09:16:47 EST
From: Rahul T R <r-ravikumar@xxxxxx>
Enable display for J784S4 EVM.
Add assigned clocks for DSS, DT node for DisplayPort PHY and pinmux for
DP HPD. Add the clock frequency for serdes_refclk.
Add the endpoint nodes to describe connection from:
DSS => MHDP => DisplayPort connector.
Also add the GPIO expander-4 node and pinmux for main_i2c4 which is
required for controlling DP power. Set status for all required nodes
for DP-0 as "okay".
Signed-off-by: Rahul T R <r-ravikumar@xxxxxx>
[j-choudhary@xxxxxx: move all the changes together to enable DP-0 in EVM]
Signed-off-by: Jayesh Choudhary <j-choudhary@xxxxxx>
arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-j784s4-evm.dts | 116 +++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 116 insertions(+)
diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-j784s4-evm.dts b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-j784s4-evm.dts
index aef6f53ae8ac..03c9bf34cb1b 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-j784s4-evm.dts
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-j784s4-evm.dts
@@ -102,6 +102,28 @@ vdd_sd_dv: regulator-TLV71033 {
states = <1800000 0x0>,
<3300000 0x1>;
+ dp0_pwr_3v3: regulator-dp0-prw {
+ compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+ regulator-name = "dp0-pwr";
+ regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+ regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+ gpio = <&exp4 0 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+ enable-active-high;
+ };
+ dp0: dp0-connector {
+ compatible = "dp-connector";
+ label = "DP0";
+ type = "full-size";
+ dp-pwr-supply = <&dp0_pwr_3v3>;
+ port {
+ dp0_connector_in: endpoint {
+ remote-endpoint = <&dp0_out>;
+ };
+ };
+ };
&main_pmx0 {
@@ -163,6 +185,19 @@ vdd_sd_dv_pins_default: vdd-sd-dv-pins-default {
J784S4_IOPAD(0x020, PIN_INPUT, 7) /* (AJ35) MCAN15_RX.GPIO0_8 */
+ dp0_pins_default: dp0-pins-default {
+ pinctrl-single,pins = <
+ J784S4_IOPAD(0x0cc, PIN_INPUT, 12) /* (AM37) SPI0_CS0.DP0_HPD */
+ >;
+ };
+ main_i2c4_pins_default: main-i2c4-pins-default {
+ pinctrl-single,pins = <
+ J784S4_IOPAD(0x014, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP, 8) /* (AG33) MCAN14_TX.I2C4_SCL */
+ J784S4_IOPAD(0x010, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP, 8) /* (AH33) MCAN13_RX.I2C4_SDA */
+ >;
+ };
&wkup_pmx0 {
@@ -301,3 +336,84 @@ &main_cpsw1_port1 {
phy-mode = "rgmii-rxid";
phy-handle = <&main_phy0>;
+&serdes_refclk {
+ clock-frequency = <100000000>;
+&dss {
+ status = "okay";
+ assigned-clocks = <&k3_clks 218 2>,
+ <&k3_clks 218 5>,
+ <&k3_clks 218 14>,
+ <&k3_clks 218 18>;
+ assigned-clock-parents = <&k3_clks 218 3>,
+ <&k3_clks 218 7>,
+ <&k3_clks 218 16>,
+ <&k3_clks 218 22>;
+&serdes_wiz4 {
+ status = "okay";
+&serdes4 {
+ status = "okay";
+ serdes4_dp_link: phy@0 {
+ reg = <0>;
+ cdns,num-lanes = <4>;
+ #phy-cells = <0>;
+ cdns,phy-type = <PHY_TYPE_DP>;
+ resets = <&serdes_wiz4 1>, <&serdes_wiz4 2>,
+ <&serdes_wiz4 3>, <&serdes_wiz4 4>;
+ };
+&mhdp {
+ status = "okay";
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ pinctrl-0 = <&dp0_pins_default>;
+ phys = <&serdes4_dp_link>;
+ phy-names = "dpphy";
+&dss_ports {
+ port {
+ dpi0_out: endpoint {
+ remote-endpoint = <&dp0_in>;
+ };
+ };
+&main_i2c4 {
+ status = "okay";
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ pinctrl-0 = <&main_i2c4_pins_default>;
+ clock-frequency = <400000>;
+ exp4: gpio@20 {
+ compatible = "ti,tca6408";
+ reg = <0x20>;
+ gpio-controller;
+ #gpio-cells = <2>;
+ };
+&dp0_ports {
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ #size-cells = <0>;
+ port@0 {
+ reg = <0>;
+ dp0_in: endpoint {
+ remote-endpoint = <&dpi0_out>;
+ };
+ };
+ port@4 {
+ reg = <4>;
+ dp0_out: endpoint {
+ remote-endpoint = <&dp0_connector_in>;
+ };
+ };