Re: [PATCH v2] ALSA: hda: Glenfly: add HD Audio PCI IDs and HDMI Codec Vendor IDs.
From: Takashi Iwai
Date: Tue Apr 25 2023 - 10:19:00 EST
On Tue, 25 Apr 2023 12:15:24 +0200,
Reaper Li wrote:
> From: jasontao <jasontao@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Add a set of HD Audio PCI IDS, and the HDMI codec vendor IDs for
> Glenfly Gpus.
> - In default_bdl_pos_adj, set bdl to 128 as Glenfly Gpus have hardware
> limitation, need to increase hdac interrupt interval.
> - In azx_first_init, enable polling mode for Glenfly Gpu. When the codec
> complete the command, it sends interrupt and writes response entries to
> memory, howerver, the write requests sometimes are not actually
> synchronized to memory when driver handle hdac interrupt on Glenfly Gpus.
> If the RIRB status is not updated in the interrupt handler,
> azx_rirb_get_response keeps trying to recevie a response from rirb until
> 1s timeout. Enabling polling mode for Glenfly Gpu can fix the issue.
> - In patch_gf_hdmi, set Glenlfy Gpu Codec's no_sticky_stream as it need
> driver to do actual clean-ups for the linked codec when switch from one
> codec to another.
> Signed-off-by: jasontao <jasontao@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Signed-off-by: Reaper Li <reaperlioc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
> v2: add some comments for code and details in the commit log.
This is almost fine, but could just correct minor warnings
scripts/ complains?