How to find information about kernel based open ports?
From: John Fleming
Date: Tue Apr 25 2023 - 11:25:34 EST
Is there anyway to query to the kernel for open sockets? This is more from an administrative point of view. For example NFSD.ko and VXLAN.ko can create listening sockets (maybe that isn't the correct term). I was going to ask if I can tell which kernel module had a port open, but I guess in theory a module could be built into the kernel so I'm really not sure how to propperly ask the question.
But basically is their a way to query the kernel for open sockets in the case of a socket being opening by the kernel and not say a process.
Here is the best I can find using netstat. I see the PID/Program name is "-" which tells me it's the kernel (I think), but I don' t know anything beyond that. If I unload vxlan the listening port goes away, but that is more trial and error.
root@compute01:/proc/net# netstat -nlp | egrep -- '4789|PID'
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
udp 0 0* -
Proto RefCnt Flags Type State I-Node PID/Program name Path
My goal would be have some information about all kernel based listeners, hopefully beyond it's the kernel listening (it's the nfs subsystem, vxlan, whatever else).
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