Re: [PATCH 0/6] Initial Rust V4L2 support
From: Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Date: Wed Apr 26 2023 - 10:41:31 EST
On 10.04.23 20:59, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
Adding a dependency to build the Rust compiler even to build one or two
V4L2 device drivers, would mean a lot to my small hselasky/webcamd
project. It already has to fetch a copy of the Linux kernel, and now has
to bootstrap Rust from stage0 to stageN.
Did it ever cross your mind, being a bit thankful that you can use our
Linux code for your BSD project ?
Linux kernel code was never meant to be used anywhere outside the Linux
kernel. It's cool to see that such things are possible, but that's
really out of scope here.
I personally say no. It's like
XCode unfortunately. I download 100's of GBytes of upgrades to XCode,
and barely upload one millionth worth of code back to Apple. It's not
good. Software developers shouldn't have to download more stuff than
they upload?
Where does the connection to Xcode come from ?
Why not move Linux-V4L2 drivers to user-space?
Feel free to send patches.
The reality is that it isn't up to anyone to say who should or
shouldn't become
a kernel developer. The resources are out there for anyone to try, and
maintainers take in their patches, then that's the end of the story.
The GPLv2 license should not be the only reason behind Linux developers
putting drivers in the kernel-space. I think moving more stuff to
user-space would benefit a greater purpose.
I don't recall any specific case for the license being the primary
reason for putting someting into the kernel instead of userland.
If you want userland v4l drivers: feel free to send patches. Those
should also be capable of directly passing around HW buffers between
separate devices (eg. fg -> codec -> display), which often is
performance critical in embedded devices.
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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
info@xxxxxxxxx -- +49-151-27565287