Re: [PATCH RFC 16/43] x86-64: Use per-cpu stack canary if supported by compiler
From: Nick Desaulniers
Date: Fri May 05 2023 - 14:02:44 EST
On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 11:14 PM Hou Wenlong <houwenlong.hwl@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tue, May 02, 2023 at 01:27:53AM +0800, Nick Desaulniers wrote:
> > On Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 2:52 AM Hou Wenlong <houwenlong.hwl@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > >
> > > + bool
> > > + # Although clang supports -mstack-protector-guard-reg option, it
> > > + # would generate GOT reference for __stack_chk_guard even with
> > > + # -fno-PIE flag.
> > > + default y if (!CC_IS_CLANG && $(cc-option,-mstack-protector-guard-reg=gs))
> >
> > Hi Hou,
> > I've filed this bug against LLVM and will work with LLVM folks at
> > Intel to resolve:
> >
> > Can you please review that report and let me know here or there if I
> > missed anything? Would you also mind including a link to that in the
> > comments in the next version of this patch?
> >
> Hi Nick,
> Thanks for your help, I'll include the link in the next version.
> Actually, I had post an issue on github too when I test the patch on
> LLVM. But no replies. :(.
Ah, sorry about that. The issue tracker is pretty high volume and
stuff gets missed. With many users comes many bug reports. We could
be better about triage though. If it's specific to the Linux kernel, is a better issue
tracker to use; we can move bug reports upstream to when necessary. It's
linked off of if you lose it.
> There is another problem I met for this patch, some unexpected code
> are generated:
> do_one_initcall: (init/main.o)
> ......
> movq __stack_chk_guard(%rip), %rax
> movq %rax,0x2b0(%rsp)
> The complier generates wrong instruction, no GOT reference and gs
> register. I only see it in init/main.c file. I have tried to move the
> function into another file and compiled it with same cflags. It could
> generate right instruction for the function in another file.
The wrong instruction or the wrong operand? This is loading the
canary into the stack slot in the fn prolog. Perhaps the expected
cflag is not getting set (or being removed) from init/main.c? You
should be able to do:
$ make LLVM=1 init/main.o V=1
to see how clang was invoked to see if the expected flag was there, or not.
> The LLVM chain toolsare built by myself:
> clang version 15.0.7 (
> 8dfdcc7b7bf66834a761bd8de445840ef68e4d1a)
Perhaps worth rebuilding with top of tree, which is clang 17.
> > Less relevant issues I filed looking at some related codegen:
> >
> >
> >
> > And we should probably look into:
> >
> >
> >
> Except for per-cpu stack canary patch, there is another issue I post on
> github:
Thanks, I'll bring that up with Intel, too.
> The related patch is:
> I couldn't find the related documentation about that, hope you can help
> me too.
> One more problem that I didn't post is:
Mind filing another bug for this in llvm's issue tracker? We can
discuss there if LLD needs to be doing something different.
Thanks for uncovering these and helping us get them fixed up!
~Nick Desaulniers