Re: [PATCH v1] drivers: pci: introduce configurable delay for Rockchip PCIe bus scan
From: Vincenzo Palazzo
Date: Fri May 12 2023 - 12:40:15 EST
> Thanks for raising this issue. Let's see what we can do to address
> it.
> On Tue, May 09, 2023 at 05:39:12PM +0200, Vincenzo Palazzo wrote:
> > Add a configurable delay to the Rockchip PCIe driver to address
> > crashes that occur on some old devices, such as the Pine64 RockPro64.
> >
> > This issue is affecting the ARM community, but there is no
> > upstream solution for it yet.
> It sounds like this happens with several endpoints, right? And I
> assume the endpoints work fine in other non-Rockchip systems? If
> that's the case, my guess is the problem is with the Rockchip host
> controller and how it's initialized, not with the endpoints.
> The only delays and timeouts I see in the driver now are in
> rockchip_pcie_host_init_port(), where it waits for link training to
> complete. I assume the link training did completely successfully
> since you don't mention either a gen1 or gen2 timeout (although the
> gen2 message is a dev_dbg() that normally wouldn't go to the console).
> I don't know that the spec contains a retrain timeout value. Several
> other drivers use 1 second, while rockchip uses 500ms (for example,
> I think we need to understand the issue better before adding a DT
> property and a module parameter. Those are hard for users to deal
> with. If we can figure out a value that works for everybody, it would
> be better to just hard-code it in the driver and use that all the
> time.
> A few minor style/formatting comments below just for future reference:
Due the recent email I think it is worth make a version 2 of this
patch with your suggestion? and iterate over it another time?