Re: [PATCH v8 0/6] Add Intel LJCA device driver
From: Greg Kroah-Hartman
Date: Sat May 13 2023 - 04:52:16 EST
On Fri, May 12, 2023 at 01:58:38AM +0800, Ye Xiang wrote:
> Add driver for Intel La Jolla Cove Adapter (LJCA) device.
> This is a USB-GPIO, USB-I2C and USB-SPI device. We add 4
> drivers to support this device: a USB driver, a GPIO chip
> driver, a I2C controller driver and a SPI controller driver.
I am sorry, but you have not followed the required Intel-specific
requirements for submitting code like this. Please work with the Linux
Intel developer group to resolve this issue and do it properly for your
next patch submission as I can not take this one for this obvious
greg k-h