Re: [PATCH v3 08/10] Revert "arm64: dts: qcom: qdu1000: Add LLCC/system-cache-controller"
From: Krzysztof Kozlowski
Date: Sat May 13 2023 - 05:30:14 EST
On 12/05/2023 14:21, Komal Bajaj wrote:
> This reverts commit 6209038f131fee84ff1536dc59864f54d06740f2.
> Reverting change as it was merged before corresponding driver side
> changes, resulting in incompatibility with the current implementation.
> Committing the revert now.
> Signed-off-by: Komal Bajaj <quic_kbajaj@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
> arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/qdu1000.dtsi | 12 ------------
This does not make much sense as separate commit. We do not drop drivers
to re-add them with bugs fixed. The same here - if the node is not
correct, just fix it instead of first removing and then re-adding.
Best regards,