Re: [PATCH v8 5/8] drm/msm/dpu: add support for DSC encoder v1.2 engine
From: Marijn Suijten
Date: Mon May 15 2023 - 16:17:38 EST
On 2023-05-15 10:06:33, Kuogee Hsieh wrote:
> >> +static inline int _dsc_calc_ob_max_addr(struct dpu_hw_dsc *hw_dsc, int num_ss)
> > Can you write out "ob" fully?
> >
> > These don't need to be marked "inline", same below.
Please add newlines around your reply, like I did here, to make it
easier to spot them in the context. As asked in another thread, shorten
the original message around it if it's not relevant for your reply
message (see <snip> bits).
> are you means all functions in this file doe snot to be marked as inline?
In general, inline is fine for math functions that are small and useful
to be inlined (and functions in headers that get compiled multiple times
but need to be deduplicated when all the objects are linked together).
It has no sensible meaning on callback functions (of which their pointer
get assigned to a struct member), however.
In DPU1 for example, only dpu_hw_ctl.c erroneously does this for
callbacks (and this patch, but I presume you'll fix this up in v9).
> >> +{
> >> + int max_addr = 2400 / num_ss;
> > ss -> slice (or subslice), right?
> ...
> slice (softslice)
Thanks if you can fix this up in v9!
- Marijn