Re: [PATCH v6 2/5] spi: spi-imx: add support for SPI_MOSI_IDLE_LOW mode bit
From: Frieder Schrempf
Date: Wed May 24 2023 - 05:47:18 EST
On 24.05.23 11:19, Boerge Struempfel wrote:
> By default, the spi-imx controller pulls the mosi line high, whenever it
> is idle. This behaviour can be inverted per CS by setting the
> corresponding DATA_CTL bit in the config register of the controller.
> Also, since the controller mode-bits have to be touched anyways, the
> SPI_CPOL and SPI_CPHA are replaced by the combined SPI_MODE_X_MASK flag.
> Signed-off-by: Boerge Struempfel <boerge.struempfel@xxxxxxxxx>
Thanks for working on this! We used a similar downstream patch for
driving NeoPixels with i.MX. I'm happy to see a proper upstream solution.
I also have this Python module [1] around for using spidev to drive the
LEDs. It would be nice to see support for SPI_MOSI_IDLE_LOW in py-spidev
[2] so we could use it there. Though the latter looks a bit like it is
not properly maintained anymore.
Reviewed-by: Frieder Schrempf <frieder.schrempf@xxxxxxxxxx>