Re: [PATCH v1 5/7] rust: workqueue: add helper for defining work_struct fields
From: Andreas Hindborg
Date: Wed May 31 2023 - 06:41:04 EST
Alice Ryhl <aliceryhl@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Andreas Hindborg <nmi@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> Alice Ryhl <aliceryhl@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>> +/// Used to safely implement the [`HasWork<T>`] trait.
>>> +///
>>> +/// # Examples
>>> +///
>>> +/// ```
>>> +/// use kernel::sync::Arc;
>>> +///
>>> +/// struct MyStruct {
>>> +/// work_field: Work<Arc<MyStruct>>,
>>> +/// }
>>> +///
>>> +/// impl_has_work! {
>>> +/// impl HasWork<Arc<MyStruct>> for MyStruct { self.work_field }
>>> +/// }
>>> +/// ```
>>> +///
>>> +/// [`HasWork<T>`]: HasWork
>>> +#[macro_export]
>>> +macro_rules! impl_has_work {
>>> + ($(impl$(<$($implarg:ident),*>)?
>>> + HasWork<$work_type:ty>
>>> + for $self:ident $(<$($selfarg:ident),*>)?
>>> + { self.$field:ident }
>>> + )*) => {$(
>>> + // SAFETY: The implementation of `raw_get_work` only compiles if the field has the right
>>> + // type.
>>> + unsafe impl$(<$($implarg),*>)? $crate::workqueue::HasWork<$work_type> for $self $(<$($selfarg),*>)? {
>>> + const OFFSET: usize = $crate::offset_of!(Self, $field) as usize;
>>> +
>>> + #[inline]
>>> + unsafe fn raw_get_work(ptr: *mut Self) -> *mut $crate::workqueue::Work<$work_type> {
>>> + // SAFETY: The caller promises that the pointer is not dangling.
>>> + unsafe {
>>> + ::core::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr).$field)
>>> + }
>>> + }
>> What is the reason for overriding the default implementation of `raw_get_work()`?
>> BR Andreas
> That's how the macro checks that the field actually has the type you
> claim it has. If you lie about the type, then `raw_get_work` will not
> compile. (See the safety comment on the impl block.)
Got it 👍
I was thinking we could do the type check without redefining the method,
but that blows up complexity wise fast, since we need a trait to do it
to support `Self` in `$work_type`. It strikes me as a bit of a hack to
overwrite an otherwise fine implementation, but I guess it is the least
complex way.
Also I am a bit annoyed that we need to state the `$work_type` type at
all, since it is available in `work_field`. But I can see no way around
BR Andreas