Re: [PATCH v2] docs: security: Confidential computing intro and threat model for x86 virtualization
From: Dmytro Maluka
Date: Fri Jun 16 2023 - 11:37:07 EST
On 6/16/23 16:20, Sean Christopherson wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 16, 2023, Dmytro Maluka wrote:
>> On 6/13/23 19:03, Sean Christopherson wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jun 12, 2023, Carlos Bilbao wrote:
>>>> +well as CoCo technology specific hypercalls, if present. Additionally, the
>>>> +host in a CoCo system typically controls the process of creating a CoCo
>>>> +guest: it has a method to load into a guest the firmware and bootloader
>>>> +images, the kernel image together with the kernel command line. All of this
>>>> +data should also be considered untrusted until its integrity and
>>>> +authenticity is established via attestation.
>>> Attestation is SNP and TDX specific. AIUI, none of SEV, SEV-ES, or pKVM (which
>>> doesn't even really exist on x86 yet), have attestation of their own, e.g. the
>>> proposed pKVM support would rely on Secure Boot of the original "full" host kernel.
>> Seems to be a bit of misunderstanding here. Secure Boot verifies the
>> host kernel, which is indeed also important, since the pKVM hypervisor
>> is a part of the host kernel image. But when it comes to verifying the
>> guests, it's a different story: a protected pKVM guest is started by the
>> (untrusted) host at an arbitrary moment in time, not before the early
>> kernel deprivileging when the host is still considered trusted.
>> (Moreover, in practice the guest is started by a userspace VMM, i.e. not
>> exactly the most trusted part of the host stack.) So the host can
>> maliciously or mistakenly load a wrong guest image for running as a
>> protected guest, so we do need attestation for protected guests.
>> This attestation is not implemented in pKVM on x86 yet (you are right
>> that pKVM on x86 is little more than a proposal at this point). But in
>> pKVM on ARM it is afaik already working, it is software based (ensured
>> by pKVM hypervisor + a tiny generic guest bootloader which verifies the
>> guest image before jumping to the guest) and architecture-independent,
>> so it should be possible to adopt it for x86 as is.
> Sorry, instead of "Attestation is SNP and TDX specific", I should have said, "The
> form of attestation described here is SNP and TDX specific".
> pKVM's "attestation", effectively has its root of trust in the pKVM hypervisor,
> which is in turn attested via Secure Boot. I.e. the guest payload is verified
> *before* it is launched.
Got it, fair point. Yep, I think this understanding is fully correct.
> That is different from SNP and TDX where guest code and data is controlled by the
> *untrusted* host. The initial payload is measured by trusted firmware, but it is
> not verified, and so that measurement must be attested after the guest boots,
> before any sensitive data is provisioned to the guest.
> Specifically, with "untrusted" inserted by me for clarification, my understanding
> is that this doesn't hold true for pKVM when splitting hairs:
> Additionally, the **untrusted** host in a CoCo system typically controls the
> process of creating a CoCo guest: it has a method to load into a guest the
> firmware and bootloader images, the kernel image together with the kernel
> command line. All of this data should also be considered untrusted until its
> integrity and authenticity is established via attestation.
> because the guest firmware comes from a trusted entity, not the untrusted host.