Re: [PATCH] Documentation: Linux Contribution Maturity Model and the wider community

From: Finn Thain
Date: Mon Jun 19 2023 - 23:48:24 EST

On Mon, 19 Jun 2023, Greg Kroah-Hartman wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 07:41:57PM +1000, Finn Thain wrote:

> > @@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ Level 5
> >
> > * Upstream kernel development is considered a formal job position, with
> > at least a third of the engineer’s time spent doing Upstream Work.
> > -* Organizations will actively seek out community member feedback as a
> > - factor in official performance reviews.
> Why are you removing this? I write more performance reviews now than I
> have have in my life, all for companies that I do NOT work for. That's
> a good thing as it shows these orginizations value the feedback of the
> community as a reflection on how well those employees are doing at their
> assigned job. Why are you removing that very valid thing?

I'm not preventing that. That's covered by level 4 and my patch only
alters level 3 and level 5.

Bonuses and salaries are tied to performance reviews so the hazard here
are clear. Level 5 compels companies to seek feedback and naturally they
will seek it from companies who share their goals. You ask too much of
employees if you expect them to put aside the corporate agendas and pursue
the interests of the wider community.

Countless lawsuits over the last few decades made it abundantly clear that
the goals of companies often diverge from those of the wider FLOSS

Consider all of the open source code thrown over the wall, the binary
blobs, the binary modules, the built-in obsolescence, the devices shipped
with vulnerabilities now reduced to e-waste because they cannot be fixed,
the vendor lock-in strategies, the walled gardens, the surveillance etc.

To my jaded mind, it is obvious that such reprehensible strategies can be
advanced by co-operative employees given inducements from colluding
companies. My patch won't prevent this sort of behaviour but it does
remove a directive that would help facilitate it.

Greg, if you want to see more performance reviews, the maturity model
could compel companies to provide unsolicited feedback, instead of seek it
from an arbitrary source. Would you be amenable to a revised patch along
those lines?