[PATCH v3 0/1]: Enable UBIFS support
From: kah . jing . lee
Date: Mon Jul 03 2023 - 02:35:13 EST
From: Kah Jing Lee <kah.jing.lee@xxxxxxxxx>
The patch is to update the qspi mtd partition range for UBIFS on
socfpga platform - Agilex and Stratix10 boards.
Alif Zakuan Yuslaimi (1):
arm64: dts: agilex/stratix10: Updated QSPI Flash layout for UBIFS
v2: Update subject prefix and defconfig config place
v3: Update commit message and drop defconfig patch since users can configure
in menuconfig
arch/arm64/boot/dts/altera/socfpga_stratix10_socdk.dts | 8 ++++----
arch/arm64/boot/dts/intel/socfpga_agilex_socdk.dts | 8 ++++----
2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)