Anyone please do big favor, help
From: Budi
Date: Mon Jul 03 2023 - 20:46:29 EST
Please one sincerely help, I need huge help
I build kernel but there's few absolute interrupted compilations
resulting in few .o files are defect, cannot be recognized
In 'make' and 'make modules' this'd be no problem at all as is
capable of resuming whole the process
it's solved by deleting those .o files and then redo the build again
which will complie those particular files only
but in 'make modules_install, it won't be
real case is within Kernel 6.3.9 package
So how to modify the makefile in order to be able to copy/install the
just built modules in pause-resume fashion so after few particular .o
files of modules deleted and rebuilt with pause-resume, then the
modules copy/install is performed on those only, not the entire
Please help me out, as I'm so incapable of modifying the make script to be so