Re: [RESEND PATCH 5/8] maple_tree: make mas_validate_limits() check root node and node limit

From: Peng Zhang
Date: Mon Jul 10 2023 - 05:12:28 EST

在 2023/7/7 22:58, Liam R. Howlett 写道:
* Peng Zhang <zhangpeng.00@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> [230707 06:11]:
Update mas_validate_limits() to check root node, check node limit pivot
if there is enough room for it to exist and check data_end. Remove the
check for child existence as it is done in mas_validate_child_slot().

The comments for this function say:
* Validate all pivots are within mas->min and mas->max.

This needs adjusting since we are doing a whole lot more now..
Thanks, I will update it in v2.

Validate limits is now checking metadata ends where the maximum ends,
checks the pivots are within the limits of the node, and ensures
there is no slots or pivots set outside of the end of the data.

Did I miss anything?
You're right, that's exactly all the checks it does.

Signed-off-by: Peng Zhang <zhangpeng.00@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
lib/maple_tree.c | 26 +++++++++++---------------
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/maple_tree.c b/lib/maple_tree.c
index 88d6373f37b0..e84a042b6d84 100644
--- a/lib/maple_tree.c
+++ b/lib/maple_tree.c
@@ -7148,26 +7148,15 @@ static void mas_validate_limits(struct ma_state *mas)
void __rcu **slots = ma_slots(mte_to_node(mas->node), type);
unsigned long *pivots = ma_pivots(mas_mn(mas), type);
- /* all limits are fine here. */
- if (mte_is_root(mas->node))
- return;
for (i = 0; i < mt_slots[type]; i++) {
unsigned long piv;
piv = mas_safe_pivot(mas, pivots, i, type);
- if (!piv && (i != 0))
- break;
- if (!mte_is_leaf(mas->node)) {
- void *entry = mas_slot(mas, slots, i);
- if (!entry)
- pr_err("%p[%u] cannot be null\n",
- mas_mn(mas), i);
- MT_BUG_ON(mas->tree, !entry);
+ if (!piv && (i != 0)) {
+ pr_err("Missing node limit pivot at %p[%u]",
+ mas_mn(mas), i);
+ MAS_WARN_ON(mas, 1);
if (prev_piv > piv) {
@@ -7190,6 +7179,13 @@ static void mas_validate_limits(struct ma_state *mas)
if (piv == mas->max)
+ if (mas_data_end(mas) != i) {
+ pr_err("node%p: data_end %u != the last slot offset %u\n",
+ mas_mn(mas), mas_data_end(mas), i);
+ MT_BUG_ON(mas->tree, 1);
+ }
for (i += 1; i < mt_slots[type]; i++) {
void *entry = mas_slot(mas, slots, i);

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