Re: [PATCH v3 0/5] cpupower: Add various feature control support for amd_pstate
From: Thomas Renninger
Date: Fri Jul 14 2023 - 07:19:25 EST
sorry for the late answer, I wanted to give this a test, but could not
make it (yet).
My 2 cents on this one:
what Ray already mentioned is greatly appreciated: Find common APIs, not only
AMD vs Intel, but general ones, outside of the driver specific sysfs dir, e.g.:
But not at all costs and if the epp part is (AMD) specific and varies to others
in meaning or in values, it has to be a specific file/API.
(Another Example/Request at the end)
And...: It would be nice to see some documentation in form of manpage
enhancements. At least for the newly introduced arguments.
If not yet, there should be: possible value range, which machines (CPU flags,
Zen 4, ...), if more complex technology, some kind of introduction or
reference where to find things would be really great.
I wonder whether it could be possible to connect this with:
I guess there is a static web site address people could rely on where above
kernel docs are hosted forever?
Then it would make sense to link the cpupower manpage with it and keep the
description short and avoid duplication?
Another Example/Request at the end:
One example I recently got asked for, the bug is private:
"cpupower is not returning max turbo active cores information on latest Intel
Here are examples of 2 newer cpus that don't return the active core
information like this:
3600 MHz max turbo 4 active cores
3600 MHz max turbo 3 active cores
3700 MHz max turbo 2 active cores
3800 MHz max turbo 1 active cores
Not sure whether there finally is some kind of consolidation on turbo/boost/
dynamic/hw/bios interfaces in respect to turbo/boosting technology. But if
anyhow possible and it makes sense, it would be really great to see one sysfs
file exposed to userspace to read/enable/disable.
Possible cpufreqs (including or only) boost freqs, maybe with active cores if
this is a general technique optionally added if avail?
Nothing which has to be implemented at all costs and right now, just an idea
on how things could be consolidated at some point of time which might be wise
to think about now already...